Mary of Nazareth School

Admissions Process and Forms

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are open, but will close by grade as the grades fill. 

Please direct questions to Mrs. Maryellen Wray  ( in the main office.

Below is an overview of our admissions process, along with required forms to be submitted with your application. If you have questions about the forms or process, please email

1. Visit Us

Please see the tour and Open House schedule under the "Visit Us" section of the Admissions tab.

2. Submit Application and Required Forms

Parents should complete the general application online through FACTS . A non-refundable fee of $75 is required with each application. In addition to the application, the following items must be submitted:

  • Preschool Admission Checklist and Forms

    Pre-K applications for the 2025-2026 school year are closed and the class is filled.  

    As per Mary of Nazareth School policy, applications are considered in the following order:  Siblings of current students, practicing Catholic members of one of our seven supporting parishes, practicing Catholic students, Catholic students, non-Catholic students.  

    Please see the application process below.  

    1. General Application for Admission (FACTS)
    2. Copy of applicant's Birth Certificate. Students must be 4 years of age by September 1, 2025 (born before September 1, 2021) and are required to be proficient in their bathroom skills.
    3. Copy of applicant's Catholic Baptismal Certificate (if student is a baptized Catholic) 
    4. Pre-K Parent Questionnaire
    5. Pastoral Recommendation Form*  2025-2026
    6. Health Form:  Page 1, Immunization Policy Acknowledgement, must be submitted with application.  The balance of the forms must be submitted to the school nurse after enrollment and before the first day of school.

    Pastoral Recommendation forms are not required, but will qualify  Catholic families for the Active Parishioner Grant. Take the form to the business office at your parish to be completed by your pastor. Check with your parish for instructions on how the form will be returned to you or to the school office. It is your responsibility to ensure the completed form is returned to the school office.  Catholic families should submit the form with the application packet to be considered for priority enrollment.

    Please return all required forms to the school office via email to, USPS, or fax (301) 869-0942.

    Mary of Nazareth School

    Attn: Admissions

    14131 Seneca Road

    Darnestown, MD 20874

  • Kindergarten Admission Checklist and Forms

    1. General Application for Admission (FACTS)
    2. Copy of applicant's Birth Certificate (Students must be 5 years old before September 1, 2025, born before September 1, 2020.)
    3. Copy of applicant's Catholic Baptismal Certificate (if student is a baptized Catholic)
    4. Pastoral Recommendation Form*    2025-2026
    5. Health Form Page 1, Immunization Policy Acknowledgement, must be submitted with application.  The balance of the forms must be submitted to the school nurse after enrollment and before the first day of school.
    6. Kindergarten Confidential Teacher Evaluation (1 evaluation required per student) - emailed directly to current teacher through FACTS application.
    7. Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire - included in FACTS online application.

    Kindergarten students are accepted on a conditional basis based on the results of the screening which will take place in late May, 2025. 

    *Pastoral Recommendation forms are not required for admission, but will qualify  Catholic families for the Active Parishioner Grant. Take the form to the business office at your parish to be completed by your pastor. Check with your parish for instructions on how the form will be returned to you or to the school office. It is your responsibility to ensure the completed form is returned to the school office.  The form is due no later than February 14, 2025.

    Please return all required forms to the school office via USPS, Fax (301) 869-0942, or email (

    Mary of Nazareth School

    Attn: Admissions

    14131 Seneca Road

    Darnestown, MD 20874

  • Grades 1-7 Admission Checklist and Forms

    Please see application requirements below:

    1. General Application for Admission (FACTS)
    2. Copy of applicant's Birth Certificate
    3. Copy of applicant's Catholic Baptismal Certificate (if student is a baptized Catholic)
    4. Pastoral Recommendation form 2025-2026
    5. Health Forms  (Page 1, Immunization Policy Acknowledgement, must be submitted with application.  The balance of the forms must be submitted to the school nurse after enrollment and before the first day of school.)
    6. Grades 1-7 Confidential Teacher Evaluation (2 evaluations required per student) - emailed directly to current teachers and Principal through the FACTS application website.
    7. Copies of most recent report card and the previous year's final report card. 
    8. Copies of the most recent standardized testing results and last year's final testing results (if applicable). 
    9. Educational testing results, including IEP's or 504 plans (if applicable).  

    *Pastoral Recommendation forms are not required for admission, but will qualify Catholic families for the Active Parishioner Grant. Take the form to the business office at your parish to be completed by your pastor. Check with your parish for instructions on how the form will be returned to you or to the school office. It is your responsibility to ensure the completed form is returned to the school office.  The form is due no later than February 14, 2025.

    Please return all required forms to the school office via USPS, Fax (301) 869-0942, or email (

    Mary of Nazareth School

    Attn: Admissions

    14131 Seneca Road

    Darnestown, MD 20874

3. Mustang for a Morning

Prospective students in grades 1-8 are required to be a Mustang for a Morning before acceptance. Our Mustang for a Morning program includes your child(ren) being partnered with a student of their same age:

  • They will "shadow" the student and attend his or her classes, specials, lunch and recess
  • They will speak with the principal or the assistant principal in an informal interview

*Students in grades 1-2 may be required to complete an in-person academic screening prior to their morning with a mustang. This can be scheduled the same day.

Once your child's application is complete, you will be contacted to set up a date. 

Please note that Kindergarten students will also visit and screen in early May.  Kindergarten students are accepted and enrolled on a rolling basis, and enrollment is contingent upon screening results. 

4. Admissions Committee Review

All completed applications are reviewed by an Admissions Committee prior to acceptance. Parents are notified of the admissions decision via email. The following criteria are considered for admission to Mary of Nazareth School:

  • applicant's developmental readiness and/or level of academic achievement
  • evidence of applicant's potential for success in our academic program
  • evaluation of the applicant's personal qualities and the potential contribution the applicant will make to the school community
  • evidence of parental cooperation and support

5. Enrollment

Upon acceptance, students must be enrolled in the school through FACTS. A non-refundable deposit of $250 must be paid at that time and will be applied to the total tuition balance.

 Pastoral Recommendation Form 2025-2026

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