Mary of Nazareth School

Theatre Program


    April 4, April 5, and April 6
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MoN Musical Theatre

Mary of Nazareth is blessed to have a generous school volunteer community that helps our students shine in successful spring musicals. As a result of MoN’s amazing commitment and support, our students have won performing arts scholarships, gained confidence, and uncovered hidden talents.

This year's play is Spongebob the Musical! 

Contact: Jessica Grondine

Tickets will go on sale mid March and the show will run April 4-6th

Patron of the Arts

Please consider becoming a Patron of the Arts – as an individual, a family sponsor, or as a business –by joining the MoN Musical Theatre Director’s Circle. 100% of sponsorships go toward costumes, sets, and equipment for our student cast and crew. 

Director’s Circle – By selecting one of the Sponsorship Levels below, your name, family name, or business’ name will appear in the Playbill and will be featured on the Theatre page of Mary of Nazareth Catholic School’s Website.

Please put name as you wish for it to appear in the "Additional Comments" box.

MoN Musical Theatre Director’s Circle

Please contact MoN Musical Theatre at with questions.

Program Advertisements

Our student cast and crew members are thrilled to showcase Mary of Nazareth's Spring Musical. Please consider placing half- or full-page ads in show programs to cheer on your favorite MoN students or to advertise your business or special event. (There will be hundreds of printed program).

Half-Page Ad - approximate Size 4.75" ; wide by 3.75"; tall

Full-Page Ad - approximate Size 4.75"; wide by 7.5"; tall

 A link to submit and pay for program advertising will be posted below before the spring musical.

Shout Outs

Mary of Nazareth is blessed to have a generous school volunteer community that helps our students shine in successful spring musicals. As a result of MoN’s amazing commitment and support, our students have won performing arts scholarships, gained confidence, and uncovered hidden talents.

Please consider cheering on your favorite MoN Musical Theatre cast and crew members with celebratory shout-outs! “Break a leg, Sam! Love Mom and Dad” or “Congrats on your acting debut, Jane! Love Grandma and Grandpa” are sweet ways to support our students. 100% of what’s raised goes toward costumes, sets, and program equipment for our student cast and crew.

 A link to submit and pay for program shout-outs will be posted below before the spring musical.

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