Mary of Nazareth School

Parent Resources

The IXL system will be wiped clean of any work done during the current school year by June 14. Therefore, the assignments will be open to work beginning June 15. Any work done prior to this date will be removed from the system.

  • Summer Work

  • School Supply Lists

  • School Uniform Policy

    All students must be in complete school uniform at all times. Please see school uniform requirements for specific details on student attire. Our uniform supplier is Flynn & O’Hara School Uniforms.  Please see store information below:



    Loehmann's Plaza 

    5210 Randolph Road 

    Rockville, MD 20852

    (301) 838-8958 

    See the Flynn & O'Hara website for store hours.

    Driving Directions

    Used uniforms are also available during school-wide sales or by contacting the parent volunteers.  Please email for more information.  We have used uniform sales periodically during the school year.  Please watch the newsletter for sale announcements.

  • Tuition Payments and FACTS

    All tuition payments must be made through FACTS.  All families must be enrolled with FACTS no later than April 1, 2024.  The payment options are below:

         Payment in full in July ($25 annual FACTS fee)      

         Semi-annual payments in July and January ($25 annual FACTS fee)  

         Quarterly payments in July, October, January and April ($55 annual FACTS fee)

         10 monthly installments, July through April ($55 annual FACTS fee)

    The link to set up your account for the 2024-2025 school year is HERE.

    Payments made through FACTS will automatically be debited from a checking or savings account or may be made with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.  A 2.95% convenience fee will be charged by FACTS on credit card payments.

    Book and technology fees and Preschool admission fees will be charged to you through FACTS.  You will receive an invoice but the payment will be automatically charged to you by May 20, 2024, so no action is necessary.    

    The first tuition payment will be deducted on July 5th or 20th.

    Once you have enrolled with FACTS, your tuition amount due will be added and your account will be finalized.  FACTS accounts will carry over to subsequent school years, you will not need to set up a new agreement.

  • Hot Lunch

    2024-2025 School Year

    Hot lunch is available daily to students in grades K-8.  Hot lunch will be provided through Vignola Gourmet which is a paid lunch service provider that delivers fresh made meals to the school for your student's lunch.

    Please see the flyer HERE with instructions on how to sign up for the program.

    Milk Program - State of Maryland non-discrimination statement

    Milk Program - USDA non-discrimination statement

  • Critical Incident Plan

    The safety and well-being of our students is paramount. Mary of Nazareth School has developed a critical incident plan in line with ‘Best Practices’ in school safety and security. This plan follows ADW policy and is consistently reviewed and updated. Our school building is secure at all times, visitors sign in at the main office, and employees and volunteers undergo a background check.  Additionally, the school is monitored by a twenty-four hour video security system.

  • Inclement Weather Policy

    Mary of Nazareth School follows the closing and delays procedure adopted by the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) system. 

    If a closing or delay occurs on a day when MCPS has a scheduled day off, we will follow announcements made by the Archdiocese of Washington Schools.

    Local TV and radio stations will carry school closing or delayed opening announcements. Please do not call the school or rectories for school closing and delay information.

    If necessary, additional school days will be scheduled to compensate for closings due to inclement weather.

    If Mary of Nazareth School has a scheduled early dismissal, and a two-hour delay is announced, Mary of Nazareth School will be closed. 

    Students must be picked up at the announced dismissal time when the school has early dismissal due to inclement weather.  There will be no aftercare on days when we dismiss early due to weather.

    Before care/after care will not be held when the school is closed due to inclement weather.

    Aftercare will be cancelled when MCPS cancels after school activities.   The Mary of Nazareth school office will be closed on inclement weather days.   

    Listen to the following radio stations and television stations for closure information:


    WMAL - 630 AM

    WTOP - 1500 AM

    WTOP - 103.5 FM

    WWDC - 1260 AM

    WWDC - 101.1 FM

    WMZQ - 1390 AM

    WMZQ - 98.7 FM


    WRC TV - NBC affiliate

    WTTG TV - Fox affiliate

    WJLA TV - ABC affiliate

    WUSA TV - CBS affiliate

  • Carpool Procedures and Safety Info

    PDF Download

    Procedures for Morning Drop Off

    The following rules are to ensure the efficiency of morning drop off and the safety of our students. Your

    compliance and patience are greatly appreciated. NOTE: Preschool STUDENTS will utilize the Faculty/Staff


    • SLOW DOWN! It’s better that your child is a little late than someone is hit by a car.
    • Do NOT get out of your car. Safety patrol and staff members are available to assist your child out of the car.
    • NEVER pass on the left in the front circle. Please wait until the car in front of you moves.
    • Children should only exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle.
    • Using your cell phone is not allowed while dropping off your children.
    • Please leave your pets at home. Having your pets in your car while dropping off could create a potentially dangerous situation.
    • Place your car in park while unloading your children.
    • If you have a large carpool or if your children are bringing projects/sports bags to school, please drop off at the KFC (“Katie Fitzgerald Center” aka the gym) to allow the children ample time to unload. Never use the faculty/staff lot to drop your K-8 students unless they are siblings of Pre-K students.
    • Please do not beep your horn to recall your child, say hello, or to have someone in front of you move faster. Using your horn is often misinterpreted and creates confusion. Please only use your horn in case of an emergency.
    • Never use the Harris Teeter parking lot as a detour to avoid waiting at the stoplight.

    Procedures for Afternoon Carpool

    During the first few weeks of school the carpool line is always longer. New children are learning their carpool numbers, carpools are forming and after school activities have not yet begun. Please be patient.


    • SLOW DOWN! Make sure the carpool person has your number before you pass him/her. If the carpool number-taker is busy, please stop and wait for him/her to finish. This ensures your number is recorded correctly.
    • Make sure your carpool number is visible at all times. Always use the office-generated yellow carpool number, never a homemade sign. Hanging the carpool number from your rearview mirror works well. Do not verbally give your number to the number taker. Do not remove your number until your child is in the car.
    • Using your cell phone is not allowed while picking up your children.
    • You will be directed down the side road before the teacher parking lot (the “road to nowhere”). Please drive all the way to the end of the road and turn around. This is critical in preventing a back up on Seneca Road and it helps the carpool line operate more smoothly.
    • If you are sent into the church parking lot during days of heavy traffic, please form a line utilizing the entire loop of the parking lot. Do not make the first left once inside the church parking lot to shortcut the lot, even if there are no cones blocking the way. This will result in numbers being out of order. This is also critical in preventing a backup on Seneca Road. Follow directions of the traffic control staff.
    • If your child does not come out of the school when you are in the circle, you will be directed to the KFC (gym) parking lot. Please wait patiently or park your car and walk to the front door of the school to pick him/her up. Do not re-enter the carpool line as this throws off the number order.
    • Do not send children back into the building to retrieve another student. Instead, please tell a safety patrol or staff member the name of the student you are missing.
    • DO NOT get out of your car. Safety patrol and faculty are available to assist your child into the car. If you need to buckle a safety seat, please move to the KFC (gym) parking lot.
    • Place your car in park while loading your children.
    • Students who forget something in the building after dismissal should wait until the end of carpool.
    • Please leave your pets at home. Having your pets in your car while picking up students could create a potentially dangerous situation.
    •  Half days, holiday dismissals, no aftercare days, and bad weather are reasons for heavy volume and slower movement. Please be patient.
    • Please do not beep your horn! Using your horn is often misinterpreted and creates confusion. Only use it in case of an emergency.
  • Artsonia Information

     Connect to Mary Of Nazareth School using Artsonia to receive importantupdates on your child's art classroom activity.

    Click here

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