Important signs of illness are:
temperature 100 degrees or greater, nausea/vomiting, stomachache, diarrhea, pale or flushed face, headache, cough, earache, thick discharge from nose, sore throat, rash or skin infection, red or pink eyes, loss of appetite and decreased energy level.
Student should be fever free for 24 hours (without taking Tylenol or ibuprofen) before returning to school.
If your child needs to take medication at school (daily or “as needed”), please complete and sign the age-appropriate "Student Medication Authorization Form" (see below) and have it signed by your pediatrician. This includes prescription and “over the counter” medications.
Grade K-8 Student Medication Authorization form
Pre-K Student Medication Authorization form
All medicine must be dispensed by the nurse at school. Please do not send medication to school with children in their backpacks! The medication needs to be carried into the school by an adult. If a child is beginning a new medication, please give the first dose of the medication at home to make sure the child does not experience any unusual reaction.
Erin Demeria, R.N.
Direct Line
(301) 869-0940 ext. 5
8 am - 3 pm
All students at Mary of Nazareth School must be fully immunized in accordance with the requirements of the state of Maryland. It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Washington that there are no exemptions permitted. If your child has a medical contraindication to being immunized to a contagious disease, it should be documented by a physician and a temporary exemption will be permitted.
MD State Immunization Requirements
Please see the "Physical Assessment and Health Evaluation Requirements" section for the required forms.
There are several children in our school with allergies, including nut/peanut allergies. Please contact the school nurse if you have questions regarding your child’s classroom or if your child is newly diagnosed with a food allergy.
Allergy Agreement and Action Plan
Parents will be called if student has lice. Student does not have to leave school until the end of the day, however, must submit proof of approved home or professional treatment and be re-checked by the school nurse before returning to class. A second treatment within 7-10 days is highly recommended.
Returning to School Policy
A student diagnosed with Communicable disease and/or who misses 3 or more days of school due to illness or injury, must submit a Physician/Licensed Provider's Back-to-School clearance to RN before returning to class. Contact RN for accountability details & Back-to-School Clearance requirements.
For medication safety & viability, please do not ever leave any medicine in a vehicle or garage where temperature extremes will denature and/or damage them, especially Rx rescue inhalers & EpiPens, rendering them useless in a medical emergency.
Please send a sturdy, reusable water bottle, labeled with student's name, to school each day.
Ample hydration fosters overall good health and well-being, especially in school-age children, for optimal growth and development; for improved stress-coping & stamina; for fewer complaints of headaches, allergy, or illness; for good digestion and motility; for better memory, participation and test performance; etc.
The Health Room has a limited inventory of loaner PE uniforms for those torn or soiled during the school day. Loaners are for emergency First Aid & damage exchange only; all are clean, but "gently used," old-style items & fitted as available. Original clothing & explanation note will be sent home; please promptly launder & return all loaned items to the Health Room.
14131 Seneca Road
Darnestown, Maryland 20874
Phone: 301 869 0940
Fax: 301 869 0942
The Annual Giving Campaign at Mary of Nazareth Catholic School is a community tradition.
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