All newsletter submissions are due no later than Tuesday at noon. Thank you.
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Newsletter February 5, 2025
Please see an update from the Finance Committee HERE.
Please note:
If there is a school CANCELLATION
tomorrow, it will be treated as a SNOW DAY. There will be no virtual learning.
February 5, 2025
Dates to Remember
The online school calendar is available HERE
and on the website under "Current Families".
Fri., Feb. 7:
Schoolwide Mass 10:00 am KFC Sat., Feb. 8 & Sun., Feb. 9:
Varsity Basketball semi-final games See schedule below under "Sports News" Mon., Feb. 10:
2 Hour Delay - Before Care opens at 9:00 am Wed., Feb. 12:
Mamma Lucia Restaurant Event - Must present flyer - Click HERE Fri., Feb. 14:
Pastoral Recommendation Forms for Active Parishioner Grant due to the office (see below) Valentines' Day - WEAR RED, PINK AND VALENTINES DAY ACCESORIES Mon., Feb. 17: NO SCHOOL
Presidents' Day observance Fri., Feb. 21:
Mother/Son Bowling Event registrations due (click HERE) Deadline for Tuition Assistance Applications through TADS Sat., Feb. 22:
International Night Purchase tickets HERE
Click HERE
to volunteer Sun., Feb. 23:
Baruch Cafe Breakfast/Brunch event 8:00 am - 5:00 pm to benefit MoN HSA Fri., Feb. 28:
ADW Professional Day NO SCHOOL Wed., March 5:
Ash Wednesday Mass 10:45 KFC All are welcome Sun., March 9:
Daylight Savings Time begins - "Spring Forward" Mon., March 17:
St. Patrick's Day WEAR GREEN Fri., March 21:
End of 3rd quarter - NOON DISMISSAL Sat., March 22:
Mother/Son Bowling Event 6:30 - 8:30 pm Fri., March 28:
Used Uniform Sale Noon - 2:00 PM Sat., March 29:
SAVE THE DATE! "Party Like it's 1995" Gala and Auction Mon., March 31:
Spring Uniforms begin Sat., April 12:
SAVE THE DATE! Father/Daughter Dance Wed., April 16: NOON DISMISSAL- Start of Easter Break - NO AFTERCARE April 17 - 27:
Easter Break NO SCHOOL Mon., April 28:
Classes resume
Notes from the Office
Report cards for all students
will be visible to parents by 3:00 pm today. Report cards may only be viewed on a computer, not your phone. Please log into your PlusPortals account, click on "ELocker", then "EPortfolio". If you have any questions about how to access the report card, please contact Mrs. Shea in the office.
Please remember that all outstanding financial commitments to the school must be satisfied for you to see your child's report card. This includes extended care and tuition. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Andrea Murphy at
Congratulations to the 5th through 8th grade students who have achieved Honor Roll status. See the list HERE.
Students who attend either Varsity Basketball semi-final game this weekend may come to school out of uniform on Monday, Feb. 10.
Students may come to school out of uniform on Monday, Feb. 10
if the Chiefs win, GREEN
if the Eagles win.)
Reminder - we will have a 2 HOUR DELAYED OPENING
on the Monday after the Super Bowl, Monday, Feb. 10. Before care will open at 9:00, and the school doors will open at 9:55.
In order to qualify for the "Active Parishioner Grant",
Catholic families in the Archdiocese of Washington must submit a Pastoral Recommendation form each year. The form for the 2025-2026 school year is due on February 14, 2025. Access the form HERE
see submission instructions below.
The MoN Inclement Weather policy is on our website HERE. MoN follows Montgomery County Schools’ decision to delay or cancel school. When school is canceled or closed early for weather, there is no extended care available and the office will also be closed.
Student absence from school
must be reported to the office no later than 8:45 am each day that they will not be in school. Please email
and list your child's full name, homeroom, and reason for absence.
Please remember to put your child's FULL NAME in EVERY PERSONAL ITEM
you send to school.
Reminders about Arrival and Dismissal ("Carpool")
See complete information HERE
(also on our website under "Current Families", "Parent Resources", "Carpool Procedures and Safety Info").
Please remember the following:
Drive slowly at all times and observe the speed limit signs.
DO NOTdrive the wrong way up the driveway after 2:45 pm.
Preschool parents or sports team coaches/spectators must wait
in the carpool line until it is safe to turn left into the KFC driveway.
Please place your car in park when stopped in the horseshoe.
Never allow your child to stand behind your car to unload a trunk.
If you have a large carpool or if your children have many bags to bring to school, please drop off at the KFC (“Katie Fitzgerald Center” aka the gym) to allow the children to safely unload.
Use the office-generated carpool number every day for pickup.
Do not place the carpool number on your dashboard - it must be in our line of sight.
Keep the number visible until your child is safely in your car.
During dismissal, the KFC parking lot is one way. Please observe the posted signs and directions of the staff.
Follow the directions of the staff, patrols, and police officers who are working hard to keep your child safe.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping all students safe at school.
This year, we’re using Zeffy, a fee-free platform, for all auction transactions, ensuring 100% of your support goes directly to Mary of Nazareth Catholic School. Zeffy includes an optional donation to support its platform, which you can adjust or decline by selecting “Other” under “Contribution to Zeffy” and setting it to “0” or your preferred amount.
Sponsorships can be paid via credit card, bank transfer, or check. If paying by check, complete the form and select that option. We hope this transition makes giving easier and welcome your feedback or questions!
🏆 Grand Prize: $8,200 to be applied toward 2025–2026 tuition for a student enrolled at Mary of Nazareth Catholic School for the 2025–2026 school year, or $5,000 in cash.
🎯 Winner’s Choice: The decision must be made by May 10, 2025. (Please note: This does not imply 2025–2026 tuition will be set at this rate.)
🛍️ Plus, win exciting prizes throughout the raffle at our Mustang Emporium!
✨ Winner need not be present
to win. Net proceeds directly benefit Mary of Nazareth Catholic School, helping us continue our mission of excellence in Catholic education.
By participating, you’re not only entering to win fantastic prizes—you’re also playing a vital role in supporting our school and making a meaningful impact in our community.
Thank you for your support—every ticket purchased helps make a difference! 💖
Applications for tuition assistance for the 2025-2026
school year are now open. All applications will be submitted through TADS at the link HERE. (Click on "Financial Aid Assessment" and log into your account.)
The deadline
for applications for grades Pre-K through 8 isFriday, February 21, 2025.THIS IS A HARD DEADLINE.
One application per family qualifies you to be considered for assistance from the Archdiocese of Washington (grades Pre-K through 8th) and Mary of Nazareth School (grades K through 8th). Please see information on the Archdiocese of Washington Tuition Assistance Program HERE.
If you have any questions about tuition assistance, please contact Mrs. Andrea Murphy at
Pastoral Recommendation Form - Due February 14, 2025
Families wishing to qualify for the Active Parishioner Grant(formerly “in-diocese rate”) must submit a Pastoral Recommendation form EACH YEAR. Forms for the 2025-2026 school year are due to the MoN office by Friday, February 14, 2025. Please access form HERE (pdf)
and HERE (word doc)
or on the website under “Admissions”, “Admissions Process and Forms”. Fill it out completely, and follow the submission instructions below for your parish. (Don’t forget the family picture.) If your parish is not listed, please contact that parish office for guidance. The parish office will return the form to Mary of Nazareth School, and you will be notified by Mrs. Wray once it is received unless otherwise specified. Please contact Mrs. Wray with any questions.
Mother Seton Parish
– Email
to Ruth Chavez at
Or, drop off form at parish office M-F 9-5.
Our Lady of the Presentation
– Email to
, or drop off in the black mailbox at the church office attached to the rectory.
Our Lady of the Visitation
– Please submit to the Parish Office no later than Monday, February 10. Forms can be emailed to
, mailed to the Parish Office at 14139 Seneca Road, Darnestown, MD 20874 or dropped off at the parish office in the lower level of the church (email first to set a time). Be sure to include your family photo.
St. John Neumann
– Email to
, drop off at parish office (place in envelope marked “Pastoral Recommendation Form - MoN) at 8900 Lochaven Dr. Gaithersburg, MD 20882 Monday to Thursday 9am to 5PM and Fridays 9 to Noon (closed noon -1:00 pm for lunch).
St. Mary’s (Barnesville)
– Email to
, drop off at Parish office 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, or mail to St. Mary’s Parish, P.O. Box 67, Barnesville, MD 20838.
St. Paul Parish
– Drop off at the Parish office. Place completed form in an envelope marked "Mary of Nazareth Pastoral Recommendation Form, Attn: Megan McFarland". If the office is closed, put the envelope in the mail slot.
St. Rose of Lima
– Email to Mary Carey at
, drop off at parish office M-F 9:00 to 3:30 (If you go to the office (lower level office) and no one is there please leave forms in the holder on the wall outside the lower level office door), fax to 301-869-2170, or mail to St. Rose of Lima Parish, 11701 Clopper Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 attn: Mary Carey.
Calling all Stage Crew!
Would you like to be a part of our hard-working student crew, and see your creations on stage?
Some things you need to know: Crew is broken into two parts: Saturday Work Crew and Running Crew
Work crew
calls are on Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm. There may be after school crew calls as well. We would like to see you every Saturday, but there is some flexibility.
Running crew
is responsible for props and set movement during the show, and all technical rehearsals. Students also run the light board and the soundboard. We cannot guarantee a position for everyone interested in running crew, but we try our best to get everyone involved.
Only Work Crew are eligible for Running Crew, but all are welcome to join our Work Crew! Our first work day is Saturday, February 1st. Please sign up! Tell your friends! Bring a water bottle, a lunch, wear clothes and shoes that you can get dirty, and get paint on.
Questions? About crew specifically: email Karen Woolery at General production questions, please email
Facilities Committee Cell Coverage Upgrade Status Report
Thank you to families who raised the paddle at our 2024 spring gala to support improved cell service on campus. The Facilities Committee of the Mary of Nazareth School Board of Directors has been working diligently with Mr. Carr and the administrative team to identify a solution that meets our needs. Over the past eight months we have engaged four different companies, offering a range of services and costs to achieve our goal, but no single or combination of options presented to date meets our requirements.
Mary of Nazareth School paid Wilson Amplifiers to conduct a site survey to assess the feasibility of improving cell phone reception on campus last spring. Analysis of the data from this survey, location of local cell towers, and signal strength presents a challenging environment. As such, we have continued engaging vendors to determine the most responsible, and least risky path forward. We are also looking for additional revenue streams and more affordable options. Thank you for making safety, security, and communicating on campus during an emergency a priority. The board facilities committee will continue to provide intermittent updates and status reports to stakeholders moving forward. We acknowledge this project is taking longer than anticipated, however, we wanted to assure you that leadership is working diligently to deliver the most appropriate and effective solution.
Please feel free to contact Mr. Jon Carr at if you have questions
Join the Mary of Nazareth Community for a special Valentine’s celebration on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
MAMMA LUCIA Italian Restaurant Fallsgrove Village Center 14921 Shady Grove Road Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 762-8805 Mamma Lucia Website Order in-person, take-out, or online MAMMA LUCIA WILL DONATE 20% of MARY OF NAZARETH SALES to OUR SCHOOL
Cost:$40 PER PERSON – a ticket needs to be purchased for EACH parent and child attending (e.g., a mother and son would need to purchase 2 tickets). Price includes 2 hours of bowling, shoe rental, food, $10 arcade card per person, and a $5 gift card toward your next visit.
Register by February 21, 2025: We can accommodate up to 200 people, so don’t wait to register! Secure Your Spot by registering HERE(register each person)*:
Important Note:
Once ticket sales close, you will receive a link to sign up for a lane. Lanes hold 6 people, so coordinate now with your prospective lane mates. Don’t wait to buy your tickets as it will be first come, first serve for the lane sign-up!
Questions: Contact Erica Spencer ( / 773.206.5401) or Gretchen Benson ( /240.778.3142). Don’t forget to RSVP by Feb 21, 2025!!
* Note
you are only able to purchase one ticket at a time in shopify,– so if you need to purchase two tickets, you will need to make two purchases.
Mary of Nazareth’s Home School Association (HSA) is Requesting Your Help!
Please Consider Volunteering for these Open Positions on the HSA Executive Committee:
President 1st Vice President Treasurer
Please contact us for details: Daniela Diaz ( Natalie Umana: (
Overview of Positions
President Responsibilities Include:
Coordinates, along with committee chairs, Sports Committee, Breakfast with St. Nick, Race for Scholars, HSA Meetings, Hospitality, Social Concerns, and Nominating Committee.
Attends Open Houses throughout the year (2 hour weekend commitment several times throughout the fall)
Attends and leads all HSA Executive Board meetings
Attends and leads all HSA General Meetings
1st Vice President Responsibilities Include:
Coordinates, along with committee chairs, Grandparents Day, Father/Daughter Dance, Communion Celebration, Kindergarten Graduation, K--5 Dance, May Crowning, 8th Grade Graduation/Gift, and Race for Scholars (shared with 2nd VP)
Attends all HSA Executive Board meetings
Attends all HSA General Meetings
Treasurer Responsibilities Include:
Quicken data entry and bank account reconciliation - 1/month
DFR processing, invoice processing and check cutting - 2/month
Budget creation for upcoming school year - 1/year during summer
Budget close out - 1/year during summer
CAF/HSA fees reconciliation - 2/year, Fall and Spring
Quicken reporting for Andrea Murphy - 4/year (Andrea reaches out and asks for specifics and then has follow up questions)
Attends all HSA Executive Board meetings
Attends all HSA General Meetings
HSA Executive Committee Positions are a 2-year term. The full list of responsibilities by position can be found in the HSA Bylaws on the Mary of Nazareth website
(pages 2-4).
Track & Field Registration Now Open!
See how much fun your Mustang has running, throwing, and jumping with MoN Track and Field!
4:30 - 6:00 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays at Mary of Nazareth (Coaches can pick up runners at aftercare.)
5 Saturday meets and 2 Sunday meets, March 29 - May 17
Athletes will compete in a variety of running events (100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m) and field events (shotput, javelin, and long jump)
Grades K-8. All abilities are welcome! The only requirement is a positive attitude.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jackie Benko ( / 240-687-4002.
Come out to cheer on our Varsity basketball teams this weekend:
BOYS:Saturday, Feb. 8, 5:15 pm @ John F. Kennedy High School, Wheaton, vs. Holy Trinity
GIRLS:Sunday, Feb. 9, 3:00 pm @ KFC vs. the Little Flower/St. Raphael winner
Students who "ROCK THE RED"
and attend either game may come to school out of uniform on Monday, February 10.
Winter Chess Club Registration Now Open
Chess Club will meet on Tuesday afternoons, 3:20 pm to 4:20 pm, from Feb. 25 through May 20. Register at the link HERE
and see flyer Chess Club HERE.
Paint Night Fundraiser – Let’s Get the 7 th
Grade to NYC!
Calling all crafty mommas! Join us for a fun and creative Paint Night to help the Mary of Nazareth 7 th
Grade Class raise funds for their exciting trip to New York!
March 8, 2025 Location:
Rustic Revival Co., 20300 Century Boulevard, Suite 175, Germantown, MD 20871 Time:
6:00 – 9:00 pm BYOB - Snacks Provided
Grab your friends, bring your favorite drink, and get ready for a night of painting, laughter, and giving back. Let’s make this trip unforgettable for the kids – one brushstroke at a time!
Secure your spot and support a great cause! Click HERE
to register.