Mary of Nazareth School

Board of Directors

The Mary of Nazareth School Board of Directors is a Board of Limited Jurisdiction, working under the Corporate Members, and “... shall provide leadership and oversight to our separately incorporated school. The board shall be responsible for implementing the mission of the school in collaboration with the school’s chief administrator. The board shall assist in the governance of the school and provide necessary support.”

Catholic Schools Policy 2420

Board Members Click Here to Access Board Portal
  • Pastors

    The Rev. Greg Shaffer, Our Lady of the Visitation Parish

    The Rev. Kevin O'Reilly, St. Mary's Shrine, Facilities Committee

    The Fr. Mark Cusick, St. Paul's Catholic Church

    The Rev. Agustin Mateo Ayala, St. Rose of Lima Parish

    The Rev. Lee Fangmeyer, Mother Seton Parish

    The Rev. Msgr. Robert Panke, St. John Neumann Parish

    The Rev. Justin Huber, Our Lady of the Presentation Parish

  • Ex-Officio Members

    Mrs. Kelly Branaman

    Secretary, Catholic Schools Office

    Superintendent of Schools, Archdiocese of Washington


    Mr. Michael Friel

    Principal and CEO, Mary of Nazareth Roman Catholic School, Inc.

  • Members

    Board/Executive Committee Chair 

    Martin Yapur 

    Vice Chairperson 

    Sara Jamison


    Geoff Barker

    Finance Committee:

    Valerie Reposa, Chair

    Matthew Pietras

    Joseph Gardemal

    Martin Yapur

    Michael Friel

    Governance Committee:

    Geoff Barker, Chair

    Martin Yapur

    Michael Friel

    Development Committee:

    Sara Jamison

    Gabriella Daniel

    Michael Friel

    Curriculum Committee:

    Dr. Alison Melley, Chair

    Sara Jamison

    Michael Friel

    Facilities Committee:

    Matthew Scholl, Chair

    Daniel Corr

    Fr. O'Reilly

    Michael Friel

    Strategic Plan Committee:

    Sara Jamison, Chair

    Gabriella Daniel, Co-Chair

    Allan Caban

    Michael  Friel



  • Curriculum Committee

    The general duties of this committee shall be to serve as a conduit for obtaining information about curricular issues, investigating options, and recommending solutions to the Board for approval with the goal of securing a quality education for all Mary of Nazareth students.

    Specific duties of this committee may include, in accordance with the Corporate Bylaws and at the CEO’s discretion, the following:

    Creating strategies for supporting the school’s 5-year strategic plan goals.

    Providing support for administrators and teachers.

    Serving as a forum for the discussion and communication of ideas and concerns about the existing curriculum from parents, teachers, and administrators to the Board of Directors.

    Investigating and discussing new curriculum-related initiatives suggested to the committee by administrators, teachers, parents, or members of the Board and making recommendations to the Board for approval.

  • Development Committee

    The general duties of this committee shall be to: (1) provide counsel and guidance to the Development Staff on educating the school communities about the mission, goals, objectives and needs of the school as they relate to public relations, marketing and fundraising and:(2) advocate support for the school through strong relationships and liaisons.

    Specific duties of this committee may include, in accordance with the Corporate Bylaws and at the CEO’s discretion, the following:

    • Create strategies for instilling a commitment to the school mission, so that a sense of responsibility for the mission’s realization and an obligation to support it through gifts of time, talent, and treasure will grow.
    • Create strategies for enhancing the school reputation and expanding relationships and liaisons.
    • Create strategies for improving communication of Development programs with compelling justification for support and commitment to the school.
    • Collaborate with the Board and the Development Staff to establish annual Development revenue and expense goals based on school budgetary requirements.
    • Suggest ways and means for realizing revenue goals through third source funding, including grants, and for controlling expenses.
    • Create strategies for the systematic increase of participation levels and revenues generated through Development programs.
    • Create strategies for expanding the volunteer base and assuring the effective utilization of volunteers in Development programs.
    • Approve a schedule for Development programs and communications.
    • Evaluate the success of Development programs as measured against internal goals and external “best practices” of other peer schools.
  • Facilities Committee

    The general duties of this committee shall be to: (1) advise the Board of Directors and CEO on the physical condition of the school buildings and grounds in order to assure the longevity, safety, security, suitability and aesthetics of these facilities and; (2) assist the CEO, as required, in planning, organizing and implementing strategies for facilities management.

    Specific duties of this committee may include at the CEO/Principal’s discretion, the following

    • Walk-through periodic property assessment to note defects and problems and propose resolutions and improvements.
    • Create and manage an Asset Schedule for the building, equipment, and systems to include short and long-range maintenance and repair intervals.
    • Research and provide information on contractors and/or pricing for facility management projects.
    • Research and provide guidance on the Archdiocesan construction and maintenance policies for major; minor and environmental projects.
    • Advise the Finance Committee of the required expenditures for facility maintenance, repairs, and improvements and negotiate the budgetary impact and timing.
    • Review plans and propose improvements for (1) environmental health and safety; (2) student transportation and traffic safety and; (3) property security and crisis management.
    • Monitor Montgomery County and Darnestown Master Plans and advise on the impact and implications of community construction projects and other changes.
    • Organize volunteers as appropriate to accomplish facility management tasks.
  • Finance Committee

    The general duties of this committee shall be to: (1) regularly inform the Board of Directors and CEO on the financial status of the school and; (2) make recommendations and generally assist the Board of Directors in managing an economically sound fiscal program which promotes the welfare of the school.

    Specific duties of this committee may include, in accordance with the Corporate Bylaws and at the CEO/Principal’s discretion, the following:

    • Develop, review and propose the annual budget, including recommending an annual tuition fee, for approval by the Board of Directors. As appropriate and necessary, the committee shall consult with the Superintendent of Catholic Schools, CEO, other school personnel, and Board committees to negotiate monetary and timing impacts to the budget.
    • Annually update the five-year projection budget to include operating and capital budget plans.
    • Collaborate with the Facilities Committee to monitor the Asset Schedule for the building, systems, and equipment to ensure that maintenance reserves and contingency funds are accrued according to depreciation and end-of-life schedules.
    • Monitor income and expenses on a monthly basis.
    • Collaborate with the CEO, school accountant, and independent auditors for compliance with approved and generally accepted accounting principles and standards.
    • Assist the CEO and school administration in formulating polices relating to financial activities.
    • Oversee the school’s investments giving consideration to appropriate yield, risk and the social policies of the Church.
    • Assist the CEO and school accountant in ensuring the proper sharing of expenses between the school, Visitation Parish, Katie Fitzgerald Center, the Archdiocese, and any other groups utilizing the school or surrounding facilities.
    • Communicate financial information to the school and extended communities for the purpose of encouraging financial support of the school, including through Development programs.
    • Research and suggest ways and means of increasing revenues, limiting expenses, investing funds, finding new resources of funding, and enhancing the tuition assistance program.
    • As required, prepare reports on the financial status of the school for the Corporate Members and other groups, as approved by the CEO and Board of Directors
  • Governance Committee

    The general duties of this committee shall be to: (1) assist the Board in the nomination and election of new Board members; (2) advise the Board and CEO relative to membership compliance with the Corporate Bylaws; and (3) assist in the orientation and training of new Board members.

    Specific duties of this committee may include, in accordance with the Corporate Bylaws and at the CEO/Principal’s discretion, the following:

    • Identify candidates and take nominations for future Board members through personal references, pastor endorsements, Archdiocesan, Board committee and HSA recommendations, and civic and community organization referrals.
    • Collaborate with pastors for recommendations and other nominee substantiation required by the Archdiocese for Corporate Member election of candidates.
    • Cooperate with the Board Chairperson to assure completion of the election process, culminating in appointment of members to the Board.
    • Take nominations from the Board of Directors and assist in the yearly election of the Board Chairperson and other officers as appropriate.
    • Advise and assist the Board and CEO to assure compliance with the Corporate Bylaws as they relate to Board membership composition, term of office and selection and removal of Directors, and election of officers.
    • Maintain and periodically update a roster of Board members and committee chairpersons.
    • Maintain and periodically update a Board member handbook for the purpose of orienting and training new Board members. Mentor new members as required. (Handbook to include the Mission Statement, Corporate Bylaws, current Strategic Plan, current Budget, roster of Board members and committee chairpersons, Board committee charters, schedule of Board meetings for the most current fiscal year and past meeting minutes.
Governance Flow Chart
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